What is Multi Jet Fusion?

Multi Jet Fusion is an advanced 3D technology with super fast production times, using a fine-grained nylon powder (BDL 3D currently uses PA12) that produces items that are denser, stronger and more water resistant than parts produced with SLS and other methods. Finished articles display excellent surface quality, with a slightly rough texture in the end product.

HP Multi Jet Fusion technology has been developed through decades of HP investment in inkjet printing, precision low-cost mechanics, ‘jet’-able material science and imaging. HP MJF delivers advantages in build speed and control over part and material properties that are beyond the capabilities of other 3D printing processes. By jetting HP functional agents using HP printheads, material in the working area can be fused, detailed, and transformed point-by-point.

A key innovation in HP Multi Jet Fusion technology is a high-speed, synchronous architecture that builds parts layer-by-layer. Dual carriages scan across the printer bed in perpendicular directions: one carriage recoats the working area with fresh material and the other prints HP functional agents and fuses the printed areas. This separates the processes of recoating and printing/fusing so that each process can be separately optimised for performance, reliability and productivity.

After job completion, the build unit is rolled into an HP Jet Fusion Processing Station for cooling, unpacking and the subsequent recovery and refreshing of the build material. While those processes are completing, a build unit that has been refreshed by the HP Jet Fusion Processing Station can be rolled back into the printer for continuous production.